Artificial Intelligence Lab

Today, more and more companies in all industries worldwide rely on methods of artificial intelligence to significantly improve their products, processes and services. The use of these technologies such as machine learning require modern and efficient hardware and perfectly trained specialists. The growth of artificial intelligence is counteracted by an enormous shortage of skilled personnel and the lack of key technologies in the form of a laboratory in many firms. This is where universities nowadays play a new role in providing support. An Artificial Intelligence (AI) Lab with high-performance Graphics Processing Units (GPU) server is set up at UCRD, Chandigarh University, Gharuan, Mohali, Punjab, for enabling academic & research institutions for high-class research, course/project work, job-oriented hands-on training in the area of artificial intelligence with a focus on deep learning, machine learning, data science and analytics. AI as a branch of computer science, covers a wide range of different methods and procedures. As a result, there are numerous possibilities that can be focused on. In many IT systems today, traces of AI can be found and have established themselves as a standard.

Artificial intelligence (AI) as one of the most important digital future topics, is currently experiencing a huge upward trend in all fields of science, economy, technology, health care and entertainment. Despite its first peak in the 1950s, its current success can be explained by the exponential development of computer technology. Thus, the mass of data (Big Data) can recently be handled effectively and efficiently by modern hardware accelerators such as graphics processing units (GPUs). Numerous companies around the world have already discovered the enormous potential of AI. The use of methods such as deep learning (DL) is expected to lead to competitive advantages. Application of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science AI solutions in many application areas have now increased the acceptance and very high expectations associated with it. AI can be applied in any domain where it can be trained through the vast amounts of content, able to automatically adapt and learn from its mistakes and failures. Repetitive routine actions that require large Amount of data or knowledge have the highest potential to benefit from AI system. High adoption segments that are currently are getting exponentially accelerated include:

  • Medicine & Healthcare: Classifications for radiology and pathology, cancer cell detection, diabetic grading, drug Discovery.
  • Research in all areas of Science and Engineering: Scientific Data Analysis and Expert Systems.
  • Customer Service: Robotic Concierge, Virtual Assistant, Product Recommendation.
  • Maintenance: Failure Prediction, Maintenance Planning, Anomaly Detection.
  • Operations: Resource Planning, Supply Chain & Logistics, Security & Fraud Detection.
  • Automated Devices: Connected Cars, Robotics, and Intelligent Video Analytics.
  • Banking, Financial Services, Insurance: Wealth Management, Portfolio Planning, Risk Assessment, Underwriting.
  • Other Areas: Public Cloud, Internet, Image Classification, Speech Recognition, Language Translation, Sentiment Analysis, Question Answering, Recommendations.

Objective of the AI Lab:

  • Identify innovative research directions in Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, and Big Data analytics.
  • Encouraging students to publish research articles, patents and starting their start-ups in the campus/university.
  • Integrating and reasoning with information from disparate data sources by training students, developers, data scientists, and researchers.
  • Designing and implementing distributed systems for information exploitation, collaboration and decision making.
  • Data-intensive agent-based tools providing quality education and practical skills to the students and faculty.
  • Assist in the development of partnerships with Industry regarding Internships, Summer Jobs, Publications and students’ placements.
  • Establish, refine and implement strategies to take the idea in to students and faculty fraternity.

Technical Advantages of the AI Lab:

  • Students/Research scholars should be able to run their Deep Learning/Machine Learning training workloads on the DGX Servers /Cluster.
  • Authentication and Authorization based mechanism for each user group for security, confidentiality and accessibility.
  • AI workload scheduling with orchestration tools to handle large no. of jobs.
  • High speed interconnect between DGX servers and high-speed storage system to manage the requirements of AI workloads in terms of storage performance and capacity.
  • DGX servers with GPU are provisioned for DL models training so that it can span multi-GPU as well as multi servers to provide seamless compute resources to feed the model compute requirement.
  • Storage with high throughput is provisioned to provide the storage space for training data. Storage is provisioned with a mix of enterprise class high speed SSDs and SAS drives to keep a balance in cost and performance.
  • Switches are being provided to support the high-speed connectivity between storage and DGX.

Associated Projects

  • “Adoption of artificial intelligence for the management of potato diseases in Punjab” of 32 lakhs under SYST Scheme of DST, Delhi.
  • "Science Mela for Promotion of Innovations in Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence for the students of Rural Border Areas of Punjab" Scheme: STEMM DEMONSTRATION AND POPULARIZATION of DST, Delhi.

Outcomes mapped with the accomplishment of sustainability goals

  • Goal 4: Quality education
  • Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
  • Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure


Opportunity to incubate

INR 500K

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CU-Technology Business Incubator

Chandigarh University focuses and promotes the culture of 'Creating Jobs', it stimulates and nurtures inquisitive minds to shape their ideas in actual businesses.

  • Technology Business Incubator (Govt. Supported and Recognized)
  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Cell (Govt. Supported)
  • 120+ Start-ups and 22 Start-ups Graduated

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