All-Embracing Campus

Chandigarh University is committed to providing equal access and opportunities to all individuals, including those with disabilities. The campus has been designed and developed in such a way that it is easily accessible by people with disabilities. Here are some of the features of the campus that make it accessible:

Wheelchair ramps

The campus has wheelchair ramps at all the major entry points to buildings, including the main entrance, academic buildings, and administrative buildings. The ramps are wide enough to accommodate wheelchairs and have a gradual slope to ensure safety and ease of use.

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The University has installed elevators in all multi-story buildings to ensure that individuals with disabilities can easily move between floors. The elevators have large buttons and Braille labels to make them accessible to people with visual impairments.

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Accessible restrooms

The University has accessible restrooms located at various locations throughout the campus. These restrooms have wider doors, grab bars, and lower sinks and toilets to accommodate people with disabilities.

Parking spaces

The University has designated parking spaces for people with disabilities. These spaces are located close to the entrance of buildings and are marked with the international symbol of accessibility.


The University has installed clear and visible signage throughout the campus to guide people with disabilities. The signage includes directional signs, room identification signs, and safety signs.

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Assistance services

The University provides assistance services for people with disabilities. These services include wheelchair assistance, escort services, and sign language interpretation services.

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In conclusion, Chandigarh University has made a significant effort to ensure that its campus is easily accessible by people with disabilities. The university has implemented various measures to make the campus barrier-free, providing equal opportunities for all individuals to pursue their education and career goals.


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Chandigarh University focuses and promotes the culture of 'Creating Jobs', it stimulates and nurtures inquisitive minds to shape their ideas in actual businesses.

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